The Nature Bible

Thou Art

Creative genius

Out of this world





Following Celestial and Greenpeace's stunning drone film back in June in Cornwall demanding that world leaders gathered at the G7 summit 'ACT NOW' to tackle the climate and nature crisis, Celestial have now brought back their drones and teamed up with the Eden Project and Volvo to tell world leaders at COP that 'a good planet is hard to find'.


Their new, one-off, 90-second film launched today (28th October 2021) shows nearly 300 solar powered drones performing a captivating story in the night sky above the biomes of the Eden Project, told from the viewpoint of a visiting alien.


David Harland, Chief Executive of Eden Project International, said: "With our new film we've chosen a dramatic way to convey to world leaders that they must act now. To back this up, we'll continue to do everything in our powers to rebuild relationships between people and the natural world.


From our first transformation of a former mine to a global garden through to the imminent arrival of deep geothermal power at Eden, for two decades we've aimed to inspire the widest possible audience into action, using creativity and culture, science and storytelling to engender change.


COP26 really must be the moment that words become real action and that everyone walks the talk."


You can watch the film below:-