Welcome to The Nature Bible - a wildlife/lifestyle journal celebrating the wonders and marvels of the world and some of the wild and inspiring things being done to embrace and protect it.

Daily Post

Proin metus odio


Proin metus odio, ultricies eu pharetra dictum, laoreet id odio. Cras enim nibh, sodales ultricies elementum vel, fermentum id tellus.



Thought for today


"To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.

This is to have succeeded."

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)


This new year, sending peace and love to all creatures and the people who protect and look after them.

(From 1st January, you can help nature in our ever-changing climate by recording what you see for the Field Studies Council 'Signs of Spring' survey.)