The Nature Bible

Thou Art

Creative genius

Let there be light ...






In a stunning amalgamation of art, activism and cutting-edge technology, the UK's largest swarm of drones, creating breath-taking 3D moving images of some of our iconic wildlife, was seen descending on Cornwall on Friday 11th June 2021, in a ground-breaking new Greenpeace film, demanding that world leaders gathered at the G7 'ACT NOW' to tackle the climate and nature crisis.


Opening with a projected image of a turtle swimming across the dark cliff face of Mullion Cove in Cornwall, a total of 300 individually illuminated drones, using artificial intelligence software to choreograph their movements, formed 3D animals and words, interlaced with projections up to 250ft high and 400ft in length. To a musical score created by Game of Thrones composer Hannah Peel, children's voices can be heard narrating the film (which also includes projections of other animals and insects) with powerful messages of hope, such as, 'I hope it's not too late, I hope the grown-ups in charge wake up' and 'I hope they defend the forests for the animals and people living there', reaching a crescendo as an increasing number of drone animals raced independently across the sky and gathered en masse above a cliff where the G7 was being held.


According to Greenpeace, who collaborated with 'Celestial' the drone display company, filming in various beautiful Cornish landscapes, such as Mullion Cove and the Lost Gardens of Heligan, provided natural locations that mimicked some of the world's flora and fauna, whilst drone pilots from around the world also sent the team footage of deserts, jungles, mountains and Antarctica - to help capture the majesty of our natural world on a global scale. The commitments they were lobbying world leaders for were threefold. To:-


1. End all new fossil fuel projects immediately.

2. Deliver on (and increase) the long-promised $100bn, per year, in climate finance for countries hardest hit by climate change.

3. Genuinely protect the forests and oceans in law, with a target to reverse the decline of nature by 2030.


As they themselves said, "300 drones. 1 message. Act Now"


You can watch the film below:-