The Nature Bible

Thou Art

Creative genius

Sew little time





Loving Earth Project



Launched by a few Quakers in the UK in 2019 and now supported worldwide, the Loving Earth Project encourages individuals and groups to celebrate people, places, creatures, and other things that we love but which are threatened - through the creation of colourful textile panels. By depicting the answers to the question 'What or whom do you love that's in danger from environmental breakdown?' the project also offers a way to help people engage constructively without feeling overwhelmed.


The idea is to send your completed panel, once finished, to join their travelling exhibition which they hope to display in Glasgow

at the time of the UN Climate Change Conference COP26. For more information visit their website.



Meanwhile Stitches for Survival calls itself 'a creative act of collective hope' which encourages others to join them in 'changing the world one stitch at a time'. Another 'mass-craft' initiative, designed to put the concerns of our earth centre stage at COP 26, you are invited to knit, crochet, stitch and craft 1.5 miles of key environment and climate messages into a scarf in green or blue yarn, fabric and thread. Each piece you create needs to measure 60cm x 100cm but the overall 1.5 mile length will represent the 1.5°C target in the Paris Agreement.


After COP26, organisers say that the scarf will be repurposed into blankets for refugee communities whilst some of the more creative sections will be kept for an exhibition and be used for ongoing campaigning. For more information visit their website.