The Nature Bible


Thoughts · Daily Post

Summer in Slinfold




Time, marked by the chimes

Of St Peters' bells,

Slows ... sleepily at dawn, to develop an appreciation of the beauty

Wherein the summer dwells.


Dog/goD rose in the hedgerow

and cream-fingered honeysuckle sweet,

But the virginal white and pale blushing pink

Shed hearts of pure love at my feet.


Bright golden 'Son' at her centre

Long stamens, beckoning in

All those that pass, on wings or high grass

All of nature akin.


Umbrella stemmed galaxies of elderflower stars

Nod their fresh nectar aloft

The air catches scents in invisible streams,

Sweetpeas and Jasmine in wafts.


But the fresh breath of grass in hay new-mown

Is the sweetest smelling air,

As the birds from the field-margins sing their song

And Cows meander here and there.


And in the evening when the dew

Descends from deep pool skies,

And swifts and bats race forth above

Then Nature's in disguise.


Soon lit by flick of silver moon

Night-time's wonder doth begin,

An encounter around every corner,

A connection and whisper within.


A moment along every pathway

A surprise in the skies or the trees,

The fields and the streams carry dreams away,

But Summer-time holds all of the keys.