The Nature Bible


Thoughts · Daily Post

Changing Tack






Edward Gildea explains why he's a man on a mission!


"We have re-elected our MP. It was never going to be me, but I stood anyway to try to raise some sense of urgency about the Climate Crisis which was so studiously ignored during the General Election campaign. A few weeks ago, after giving my usual talk on Adventure, Activism and the Climate Crisis' at a retirement home in Bury St Edmunds, an octogenarian asked me, 'What hope is there?'


It is the toughest question I ever face, because I have so little of it left. I started by replying: 'It depends on what you are hoping for.'


* If you are hoping that Climate crisis will go away, then I can assure you it won't.


* If you think that technology will enable us to continue business as usual, then I'm afraid that is a false hope too. There is great technology out there, but the levels of investment to get it scaled up in time won't happen without political leadership.


* And if you are hoping that it will all be over when we reach net zero (which we are not remotely on track to do by 2050) the fact is that net zero is just the start of the race your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will have to run to start getting the CO2 out of the atmosphere, which will over decades and centuries start to cool the oceans.


My heart breaks when I see classes of young school children in their smart uniforms on the streets being shepherded by their teachers. There is a better, fairer, more just and harmonious world out there, but we need the courage to choose it. An economy that works in harmony with nature. Where people don't build their wealth out of other people's poverty.


I am often accused of being unrealistic. But I know it is not possible to negotiate with storms, wildfires, droughts, floods and extreme weather events. Getting us out of this mess is going to be incredibly difficult, but let's start by distinguishing between the Realism of the Planet and the complexities of man-made constructs and start addressing the ways in which our economies and financial systems need to change.


Nature recovers quickly, but only once we've stopped abusing it.


Sailing around the world in the Clipper Round the World yacht race, I experienced a profound, visceral connection with the energies of our small, overheated and deeply polluted planet. In the Arctic last summer, having witnessed the melting of icebergs and helming through waves thrown up by intense storms from Florida, my beard growing longer by the day, I began to see myself as The Ancient Mariner.


You will remember how he stops the wedding guest and 'holds him with his glittering eye'. He has his tale of Man's abuse of Nature, symbolised in the albatross, and the price he and his crewmates had to pay as a result. Like him I have a terrible truth to tell that nobody really wants to hear!


The mariner found redemption when he blessed the water snakes, seeing beauty in the lowliest and ugliest of God's creatures:


'O Happy living things! No tongue

Their beauty might declare:

A spring of love gushed from my heart

And I blessed them unaware;

Sure my kind saint took pity on me,

And I blessed them unaware.' (Samuel Taylor Coleridge)


I fear that will not be until we learn respect for the microbes in our soil and the phytoplankton in our seas, the creature at the bottom of our food chains, that humanity will find redemption.


So far man's greed, arrogance and selfishness have determined our course. Until that changes, I will play the Ancient Mariner, telling my inconvenient truth to whomever will listen."


Footnote: Edward Gildea, is a former head-teacher and educational consultant specialising in leadership and conflict management. He is now Eco church team leader for his local church, St Mary's Church in Saffron Walden, contributes to a variety of environmental working parties and writes regular articles to help people to reconnect with the natural world. Edward credits high altitude trekking, mountaineering and taking part in the 2014 and 2018 Clipper Around the World Yacht Races for changing his life, giving him a powerful connection to the planet and a desire to act.


Photo credit top right: Edward Gildea