The Nature Bible


Stories making waves

Linked Kin






Under the umbrella of the 'Wildlife and Countryside Link', a coalition of over 80 charities including the RSPB, The Wildlife Trusts, the National Trust and WWF UK, is challenging all political parties ahead of the General Election, to set out how they would halt wildlife decline by 2030.


With pollution on the rise, wildlife numbers declining, and just a small proportion of the land and sea adequately protected for nature, the UK is among the most nature-deprived countries in the world. Yet the government's statutory advisor, the Office for Environmental Protection (OEP), has warned that nature action is largely off-track.


Under the Environment Act 2021, the Government has a legal duty to halt the decline of wildlife by 2030, and further targets on biodiversity, air pollution, water quality and waste reduction for 2042. Whilst recognising that the Government has taken some positive steps none of the charities' believe politicians have yet taken sufficient action to meet those targets or laid out clear and credible plans for how they'd do so.


Wildlife & Countryside Link's key role is to bring together their members on issues of common concern and to present a clear consistent message to the Government, opinion leaders and the general public. Ahead of the announcement of the General Election, they initiated legal proceedings, questioning why the Secretary of State did not fulfil a legal duty to consider a review of the Environmental Improvement Plan in light of the OEP's report. Responsibility for updating the plan and meeting the target will now transfer to the next administration.


The charities are calling on political parties to:

1. Increase public investment in nature, including doubling the budget for wildlife-friendly farming. (Currently public funding for biodiversity is just 0.031% of GDP).

2. Increase private investment in nature by requiring big businesses to disclose their impacts on nature and to pay toward nature-recovery. (12% of GDP could be lost in the coming decade because of the degradation of nature).

3. Properly protect 30% of land and sea for nature by 2030, by expanding and improved wildlife sites. (Only 3% of land and 8% of seas are effectively protected for nature so far).

4. Guarantee environmental Rights for Everyone: clean air, clean water, access to nature. Government figures show that 38% of people do not have access to green space within a 15 minute walk of home, often the most vulnerable communities.


Richard Benwell, CEO of Wildlife and Countryside Link, said: "In the Environment Act, the previous Government established a groundbreaking legal framework for nature recovery, and it is positive to see politicians of all stripes pledge to halt wildlife decline. Yet time after time, environmental targets are missed.


"The Office for Environmental Protection says that once again delivery is falling short. It's time for the culture of non-compliance with environmental law to end. When plans to restore biodiversity and stop pollution aren't delivering, we can't afford to stand by. Environmental charities are ready to take legal action where any Government falls short of its own promises for nature."


Leigh Day environment team solicitor, Ricardo Gama said: "Link are rightly asking the government how it can carry on with a business as usual approach and still meet its targets in light of the OEP's findings. A pre-action letter has been sent asking that question. If the government don't give a satisfactory response then Link will consider issuing a claim for judicial review in the High Court."


The threat of legal action comes ahead of what aims to be the biggest gathering of people for nature and climate that the UK has ever seen. Environment campaigners are urging everyone who cares for nature to unite at a family friend event and march through London to Parliament Square on Saturday 22 June 2024, with a simple demand to all political parties. For more information on that event visit the Restore Nature Now website HERE.