The author of the world's longest continuous study of any mammal has just been awarded a British Empire Medal (BEM) in the UK's New Year's Honours List. Dr Roger Ransome who has been awarded the BEM for 'Services to Bat Conservation' has been studying bats for nearly 70 years! Recognised globally as a leading bat expert and for his commitment to preserving their welfare, Roger has published more than 50 scientific papers and two books and spoken at many international conferences. He even has a Guinness World Record for 'The longest running study on a wild mammal population by an individual worldwide'!
It was following a talk given by one of his teachers at Cheltenham Grammar School, aged just 15, that Roger's interest was piqued and soon he was cycling to the Grade I listed Woodchester Mansion, a Victorian Gothic house, to observe a roost of greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum).
Formerly cave-dwellers, greater horseshoe bats now tend to roost in old houses, churches and barns. The attics of this unfinished house still host maternity roosts of greater horseshoe bats (as well as other bat species such as lesser horseshoes), each summer, whilst they hibernate in its cellars in the winter. Over the years since Roger has been studying them, the site has provided invaluable resources for both bat biologists and for educating the public. Working closely with the Woodchester Mansion Trust, Roger has helped ensure the bats living in the Mansion are protected whilst assisting with the establishment of an observatory (named after him) that includes screens linked to infra-red cameras in the roost, where members of the public can watch and learn about their daily activity.
Greater horseshoe bats, which are the size of a small pear, are threatened yet these iconic British mammals have some of the most sophisticated echolocation strategies of any animal. Roger's wealth of data about them ranges from hibernation, reproductive success, pup growth and population regulation and has led to many discoveries about their physiology and behaviour. He has also organised annual field research on this species continuously for more than 66 years and has ringed more than 15,000 bats over this time.
Gareth Jones, Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of Bristol, who has worked alongside Roger for a long time, said: "Roger's achievements are unique and peerless, and his dedication, commitment and drive have resulted in impacts ranging from conservation to the advancement of science, driven by a passion for discovery and the natural world." He added that his own research at the University had benefitted from collaboration with Roger for over 40 years, "More recently, identifying genetic features that help explain how bats can live for such a long time - one bat in Roger's study population reached the grand age of 29."
Roger (now 84), said he was delighted to be recognised in this way and hugely grateful to his family (he has two children four grandchildren and three great grandchildren), his research colleagues and experts from around the world for always being so supportive of his work.
"My fascination with bats and desire to protect them will never die. Bats are the world's best example of how animals co-operate, so they present lessons for us all ... This honour is the icing on the cake - thank you."
Picture credits: Woodchester Mansion Trust