The Nature Bible


Stories making waves

Caught on the Hop






Zero Hour, the campaign for a new UK Climate and Nature Bill have chosen today, Earth Day (22nd April 2024) to launch a fun film using comedy to raise awareness of the urgent need to restore nature with new legislation.


They chose Earth Day because it's an international day of action dating back to 1970, which has become synonymous with raising awareness of international campaigns on clean air, ending deforestation and reducing carbon emissions etc. Now more than ever there's an urgent need for more campaigning and awareness to ensure that we don't take nature for granted and that climate and nature are top of our political agenda.


Teaming up with Megaphone Creative and the Co-operative Bank, Zero Hour's new comic campaign film Toad Watch: What has nature ever done for us? Has been created in homage to the famous Monty Python comedy sketch asking a similar question about the Romans. The film uses comedy to poke fun at just how often the critical importance of nature to every aspect of our lives (from health to food security) is overlooked. It has a colourful and engaging cast including the very central character who makes a starring appearance at the end! You can watch it below:-



Footnote: Zero Hour is the campaign for the Climate and Nature Bill - formerly the CE Bill and the CEE Bill - a plan for a new UK law that addresses the full extent of the climate and nature crisis in line with the most up-to-date science. The Bill is the only proposed legislation before the UK Parliament that ensures a comprehensive and joined-up approach to the emergency. You can find out more and help back the Bill by visiting the Zero Hour website HERE.