The Nature Bible

Nature Diary

Key Dates

May 2025



1st - May Day

1st-31st Plantlife's 'No Mow May'

1st - 31st Meat-Free May

1st-31st The Tree Council's seasonal 'Walk where you May campaign - Walk Where You May

4th - International Dawn Chorus Day

4th -10th Amphibian Week

4th - 10th International Compost Awareness Week

5th - 7th IUCN WCEL World Environmental Law Congress, Morocco. Theme: 'Integrated Legal Protection of Air, Ocean and Land.'

5th - 9th The 20th Session of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF 20), New York, USA.

5th - 11th Hedgehog Awareness Week

6th-12th (date tbc) National Hedgerows Week

8th - David Attenborough's 99th birthday!

12th - Full 'Flower' Moon

13th - World Migratory Bird Day

16th -24th Laudato Si Week

16th - Endangered Species Day

20th - World Bee Day

20th - 24th Chelsea Flower Show

22nd - International Day for Biological Diversity

23rd - World Turtle Day

24th - #TeamBat #TeamNewt National Day - Community Planning Alliance

25th - Rogation Sunday

26th - National Garden Wildlife Week (until 1st June)

27th - 8pm BBC 2 Springwatch returns

29th - World Otter Day

29th - Ascension Day

31st - Every Flower Counts, (Plantlife's citizen science survey)