The Nature Bible

Nature Diary

Key Dates

June 2025



1st - start of Meteorological Summer

1st - 7th National Gardening Week

1st - 30th - The Wildlife Trust's annual nature challenge 30 days wild

5th - World Environment Day

6th -15th Natural History Consortiums Festival of Nature

7th - World Swift Day

7th - 15th: Caring for God's Acre - Churches Count on Nature

7th - 15th: Climate Coalition's 'Big Green Week'

8th - World Oceans Day

8th - Whitsun

9th - 13th UN Oceans Conference, Nice, France

9th - Coral Triangle Day, Solomon Islands

8th- LEAF (Linking environment and farming) Open Farm Sunday

11th - Full 'Strawberry' Moon

15th - Global Wind Day

15th - Fathers Day

17th - UN's World Day to combat desertification and drought

21st - Summer Solstice - start of astronomical summer

21st - World Giraffe Day

22nd - World Rainforest Day

23rd - 29th - National Insect Week

24th - Mid-Summers Day. Feast of John the Baptist. Celtic lore: flowers will appear to those who stand under an elder tree on midsummer's eve.