The Nature Bible

Nature Diary

Key Dates

July 2024



1st -31st Plastic Free July

1st - Plantlife's National Meadow's Day

3rd - World Seabird Day

6th - 14th British Dragonfly Society's National Dragonfly Week

12th -(4th August) The Big Butterfly Count

14th - Mission to Seafarer's 'Sea Sunday'

14th -World Chimpanzee Day

15th - St Swithin's Day

15th - Arctic Sea Ice Day

20th-28th South Downs National Park Re-Nature Festival

21st - Full Moon (Deer Moon)

21st-26th Christians Aware Summer School: 'Care for Creation by the World's Faiths'

23rd - World Bog Day, in celebration of bogs, fens, swamps & marshes

27th - (11th August) Wildlife Trusts 'National Marine Week' - this year's theme 'Sea the Connection'

28th - World Nature Conservation Day

29th - International Tiger Day

31st - World Rangers Day