The Nature Bible

Nature Diary

Key Dates

April 2025



1st - April Fool's Day (National Walking Day - USA)

4th- World Stray Animals Day

5th - International Day of Conscience

6th- 7th (dates tbc) Big Green Hike

7th - World Health Day

13th - Full 'Pink' Moon

18th - Good Friday

20th - Easter Sunday

21st - John Muir Day

22nd - 27th Fashion Revolution Week. This year's theme: 'Think Globally, Act Locally: Empowering Citizens to Engage Local Policymakers. '

22nd - Earth Day 2024

22nd - International Mother Earth Day

22nd - 28th National Mammal Week

23rd - St George's Day (England's Patron Saint)

24th - Save the Frog day

24th - World Day for Animals in Laboratories

24th - 25th Theology and Integral Ecology Conference, 'New Approaches to our Planetary Crisis' Oxford University

25th - World Penguin Day

26th - Stop Food Waste Day

27th - World Tapir Day