The Nature Bible


Wild Living

Foam Brew






Whilst in the UK our biggest water suppliers are struggling with sewage, leaks and huge debts, global water technology giant Xylem has started tackling escalating water scarcity overseas in Europe, teaming with partners in Bavaria to launch 'Reuse Brew'. It's hoped that this unique beer, crafted from high-quality treated waste water (which apparently tastes 'exceptional') will raise awareness of the opportunities that recycled water offers to help communities in the face of climate change.


According to Xylem, who are helping communities in over 150 million countries become water-secure, "Nearly four billion people, representing nearly two-thirds of the world's population, experience severe water scarcity during at least one month of the year. This means reusing water is more important than ever, and we need public engagement to help people grow comfortable with this innovative water solution."


Their project which uses the latest wastewater recycling technologies to effectively remove chemical and microbial contaminants through oxidation and absorption, underscores the importance of utilizing local resources to mitigate groundwater pressure and ensure supply security during periods of drought.


Xylem has also recently teamed up with partners in the US to bring the first beer brewed with recycled water to the Carolinas. A limited-edition pale ale called 'Renew Brew' was created as a demonstration project to raise awareness of the power of water recycling to advance sustainability in communities. Not tasting bad either, apparently this beverage won 'Best in Show' during a blind-tasting contest at a local brewers festival.


Whilst the current state of affairs in the UK may leave potential punters sceptical if a similar brew was launched over here, I can envisage the refrain 'Bottoms Up' taking on a whole new meaning!


(Pic credit of beer: Xylem)