The Nature Bible


Inspiration · Resources

Nature’s Advent - Thursday 19th December 2019:



Help a our native wildlife whilst bringing a touch of sparkle to your own Christmas ...


They should be deep in hibernation, but at a time when the number of rescued hedgehogs has hit a 5 year high - you can help them whilst adding a touch of sparkle to your own Christmas with a stunning Gold plated Swarovski brooch set with 53 Austrian crystals, available from the British Hedgehog Preservation Society. For a present for both hedgehogs and your community how about a 'hedgehog slow down sign' for your village or the area where you live?



Badgers across the UK are also under threat like never before. This beautiful handcrafted eco-silver badger necklace is just £22 from the Badger Trust. Or, if you're less into sparkle, but more a blaze of colour, you might like to flash your ankles with these 'Gentleman Fox' socks from the Woodland Trust!